NSW Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) Online Course - $134

SITHGAM022 – Provide responsible gambling services

IMPORTANT: Please review all upcoming online class dates below BEFORE you proceed to enrol.

Liquor & Gaming NSW Approved

This L&GNSW Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) course provides a clear idea of what is expected of you in the workplace, as well as a greater understanding of how you as a staff member can promote responsible gambling behaviours and minimise gambling harm in gaming venues.

This course is mandatory for all staff working with gaming machines in NSW.

IMPORTANT: If you are a business looking to book on behalf of your staff, please email support@cleartowork.com.au for assistance to ensure the enrolment is completed correctly. 


Are you a business looking to book the Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) course for your staff?

Complete our short form to get started.


RCG Course

All training and assessment is conducted by Clear to Work Pty Ltd RTO 21907.


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