NSW Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) Online Course - $134
SITHGAM022 – Provide responsible gambling services
IMPORTANT: Please review all upcoming online class dates below BEFORE you proceed to enrol.
Liquor & Gaming NSW Approved
This L&GNSW Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) course provides a clear idea of what is expected of you in the workplace, as well as a greater understanding of how you as a staff member can promote responsible gambling behaviours and minimise gambling harm in gaming venues.
This course is mandatory for all staff working with gaming machines in NSW.
IMPORTANT: If you are a business looking to book on behalf of your staff, please email support@cleartowork.com.au for assistance to ensure the enrolment is completed correctly.

Are you a business looking to book the Advanced Responsible Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) course for your staff? Complete our short form to get started.
Upcoming online virtual class dates are listed below. Please ensure you are available on one of these dates prior to purchasing your course and proceeding with your enrolment.
Once you know which session you would like to join, click the Enrol Now button below and be sure to follow each step to complete your enrolment and selection of your session date. Spots are limited.
Friendly reminder, if you are a business looking to book on behalf of your staff, please do not enrol here – please email support@cleartowork.com.au to ensure we can enrol your staff correctly.
Wednesday, 19th of February 2025 (FULL)
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG- VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Thursday, 20th of February 2025 (FULL)
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG- VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Tuesday, 25th of February 2025 (FULL)
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG – VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Thursday, 27th of February 2025 (FULL)
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG- VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Thursday, 6th of March 2025
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG – VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Tuesday, 11th of March 2025 (ALMOST FULL!)
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG – VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Thursday, 13th of March 2025
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG- VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Thursday, 20th of March 2025
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG- VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Tuesday, 25th of March 2025
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG – VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Thursday, 27th of March 2025
9:00am – 5:00pm (AEDT)
RCG – VIRTUAL Classroom Training – via ZOOM
Course Facts
Cost | $134 |
Course Name | RCG – Responsible Conduct of Gambling (online virtual class) SITHGAM022 – Provide Responsible Gambling Services |
Pre-requisite | None. Have you completed the NSW RCG course within the last five years? If yes, do not enrol into this course. Students with an existing competency cannot receive a new interim certificate nor a refund if found on the day of training. Students must be at least 16 years old at the time at the time of sitting the course, however, cannot use certification until 18 years old. In NSW, all competencies must expire on the same date, calculated five years from the first competency gained. |
Delivery | Online virtual class |
Time | 6 + hour online virtual class, plus online assessment. |
Payment | We offer a range of payment options, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, China UnionPay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, ALipay, Wechat Pay, and Link. |
On successful completion, please note: | Following your successful completion of the RCG course, learners will receive an automated email from L&GNSW (this may take up to three (3) business days) with a link and instructions to complete the RCG online assessment. This will need to be completed on appropriate device in your own time. On completion of the L&GNSW RCG online assessment, learners will receive an automated email from L&GNSW with an RCG interim certificate with instructions on how to obtain a RCG Competency card or add the RCG competency to an existing RSA card. The interim certificate is valid for 90 days and allows you to work immediately. However, an RCG Interim certificate is only valid until its validity date. A current RCG Competency card is required to continue to work in roles that require a current RCG competency. |
Valid | Valid in NSW. However, you will also be issued with a National Statement of Attainment for SITHGAM022, which may allow you to work in other states in Australia, depending on each state’s requirements. |
Other helpful details: | How Does it Work?
Who Should Do This Course? RCG training is mandatory in NSW if you want to work in any role where your duties involve gaming machines. Gaming machines are allowed in registered clubs and hotels and venue staff have additional responsibilities when operating gaming machines. RCG training applies to:
This course is for individuals new to the liquor industry or returning to a job requiring RCG competency after five years. If you hold an existing RSA &/or RCG Competency Card (not more than 28 days expired) you need to complete the Refresher course available from LGNSW. |
During this course you will be asked to complete an assessment and activities to meet the requirements of Liquor and Gaming NSW and the Unit of Competency – SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services. This will include:
Completion Requirements:
- Attending and participating in an online virtual class including:
- being reasonably visible at most times during the session
- actively participating in the group activities and discussion
- providing responses (written and multiple choice selection) to questions within the CTW Learning Management System (LMS).
- Completing the SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services online assessment.
- Completing the NSW RCG Online Assessment
What kinds of Activities and Assessment will I need to do?
- Group Discussion (RCG)
- Multiple-choice questions
- Written questions
- Video assessment of your communication skills
Multiple-Choice Questions
Broken down into small, manageable quiz ‘bites’ throughout each section. This is designed to help you focus on different aspects of the learning, giving us the best opportunity test your understanding of key concepts and underpinning knowledge. You are required to answer all MCQs in each section correctly.
Written Questions
Written questions require you to read the question and type your answer in the box provided. These questions are drawn from all sections of the course and may include watching a video and/or reading an organisational document before you answer.
Written Questions are a great way for you to showcase your critical thinking skills, and apply your learning to real-world case studies.
Video Role Play Responses
You will be required to upload videos of yourself responding to situations (customers) as you would in the workplace. The video role-play responses enable us to assess how you would perform in a workplace.
Why do we ask for this?
As part of the national unit of competency and the L&GNSW requirements, we need to be able to assess your ability to engage with customers and what you would say to them in a variety of scenarios. We are not evaluating your acting skills, we just need to ensure that you can complete the task as you would in the workplace.
You are required to be 100% visible in each video assessment. We match the person in the video, to the photo ID you upload during the ID verification process.
To complete the video questions, you need one (1) of the following:
- Smartphone with internet access and video camera.
- Webcam
Record in the LOWEST resolution possible. Detailed instructions of how to use the video software is provided in the course. It’s a breeze!
The Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) training qualifies you to carry out work in relation to gaming machines in NSW. The RCG course is designed to you know your roles, responsibilities and expectations when working with gaming machines, as well as the laws relating to responsible gambling practices.
The course provides a clear idea of what is expected of you in the workplace, as well as a greater understanding of how you as a staff member can promote responsible gambling behaviours and minimise gambling harm in gaming venues.
Satisfactory completion of the course and the RCG mandatory online assessment is required to apply for a NSW competency card to display your RCG endorsement (or to have the endorsement added to an existing competency card).
The RCG course is broken down into six (6) sections:
- Gambling in Australia and NSW
- Defining and understanding gambling harm
- Responsible gambling and harm minimisation measures
- Interacting with patrons and the ‘RAAR’ framework
- Responsible conduct of gambling in practice
Note: Obtaining the RCG endorsement is a pre-requisite for enrolment into the Advanced Conduct of Gambling (ARCG) course.
Key Learning Outcomes
NSW requires that as part of the RCG course learners are trained and assessed in the nationally recognised unit of competency SITHGAM022- Provide Responsible Gambling Services.
SITHGAM022 – Provide Responsible Gambling Services
Course Description
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide responsible gambling services, and to assist those customers who may be at risk of or are already experiencing harm from gambling.
Responsible gambling services must be provided wherever gambling activities are undertaken. In the hospitality industry, the gambling environment is usually referred to as the gaming area and is provided in a range of venues, such as hotels, motels, clubs, pubs and casinos.
The major forms of gambling are wagering (racing and sport) and gaming (gaming machines, table games, Keno and lotteries). Both forms of gambling are relevant to the hospitality industry.
Hospitality venues may operate Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) outlets for wagering on racing and sport events. They may also cover the full range of gaming activities, including operating gaming machines, table games, Keno and lotteries.
Responsible provision of gambling services is an essential underpinning skill for all hospitality personnel involved in the sale and service of gambling activities in licensed premises, including the licensee, gaming supervisors and gaming managers when involved in operational gambling activities.
The unit applies equally to frontline operational gambling personnel who operate with a limited level of autonomy and under some supervision and guidance from others. They would operate within predefined organisational procedures, and regulatory authority and industry and organisational codes of conduct.
Those developing training to support this unit must consult the relevant state and territory gaming licensing authority to determine accreditation arrangements for courses, trainers and assessors.
The unit also relates to satisfying the requirements for providing responsible gambling services under state and territory legislation. The terms used to describe this vary across state and territory regulatory bodies and can include Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG), Responsible Service of Gaming, or Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG).
Under differing state and territory legislation this is a required certification unit for certain nominated personnel operating in licensed gambling premises.
1. Implement responsible gambling practices. | 1.1. Follow responsible gambling service procedures according to relevant state and territory legislation and industry and organisational policy and codes of conduct. 1.2. Communicate with appropriate personnel on gambling related incidents, situations and their compliance with legislation and industry and organisational policy. 1.3. Maintain accurate records of gambling related incidents and associated staff action according to industry and organisational policies and procedures. 1.4. Ensure gambling environmental features support responsible gambling policies within scope of own responsibility. | ||
2. Provide information and assistance to customers about problem gambling | 2.1. Provide accurate and appropriate information on impacts of harm from gambling and gambling harm minimisation and reduction. 2.2. Follow procedures for self exclusion and exclusion according to legislation, industry and organisational policy, and confidentiality and privacy requirements. 2.3. Display signage and information related to responsible gambling in appropriate places visible to players, according to legislative, industry and organisational requirements. 2.4. On request, provide information on available support services according to confidentiality and privacy requirements, and legislative, industry and organisational requirements. |
To complete this course, you need:
A unique email address: This email address cannot be used by another student as it becomes your unique login username.
Identification: You must have valid photo identification (must not be expired more than 3 months). Acceptable photo identification can include Passport photo page, driver’s license, Key Pass, Photo Card, and student photo ID card (must include date of birth).
Once you log in to the system, you will be prompted to upload a copy of your photo identification.
Unique Student Identifier (USI): Everyone that completes an accredited course (such as an RSG) is classified as a ‘student’ and needs to create a USI. This is a government requirement, and you will not receive your Statement of Attainment until your USI has been received.
If you have difficulties creating a USI number, please visit https://www.usi.gov.au/help or phone Skilling Australia 1300 857 536 who can assist further.
Clear to Work does not issue USI numbers and cannot assist in creating them or obtaining lost USI numbers.
Students are required to have basic computer skills to access the on-line learning and assessment components of this course, as well as having access to a computer with a camera and microphone as well as reliable internet to support video conferencing so you can participate in the training throughout the day.
Please Note: The RCG training session will be recorded and used as evidence of attendance. You will need to have your camera on, and you must be 100% visible for the full duration of the course.
Please reach out to support@cleartowork.com.au if there are any medical circumstances that may hinder your ability to be visible at all times during the session.
Use of interpreters is not permitted.
To gain an RCG competency to work in NSW, students must complete the NSW RCG and the National RSG – SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services (or equivalent) Unit of Competency (UoC) and meet the minimum Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) requirements for the National RSG.
L&GNSW requirement for learners to complete the RCG training in English without an interpreter is based on the minimum LLN skills for the prerequisite RCG and the higher-level responsibility that RGOs hold to ensure they have the English language skills to understand and comply with complex legislation pertaining to their role.
If you enrol into this course and are not able to complete it without an interpreter, please note that no refunds can be provided.
Requirements to enter into the course:
- Learners undertake a Suitability Self-Assessment
- Learners must accept the Terms and Conditions of the course
- Learners under 18 years of age will require parental consent
- You can apply for the Liquor and Gaming NSW Photo Competency Card at participating Service NSW outlets when you present your Interim Certificate and 100 points of identification.
- You can get the digital version of the card as soon as you visit Service NSW to have your photo taken and proof-of-identity check. Visit www.service.nsw.gov.au and search ‘Get started with digital licences’ to learn more about the digital NSW competency card.
- Note – if you already have a valid RSA competency card and you complete the additional competency, you will automatically be mailed an updated card with both competencies.
- If your card is expiring soon, you will be notified by email and SMS about how to renew and complete the online refresher training
- If you have an RSA/RCG interim certificate issued within five years from the ‘Valid for duties date” you will need to attend a Service NSW branch with your ID as detailed on the certificate to gain a Competency card.
Foundation skills essential to perform in this unit are listed here.
Foundational skills are the language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to the performance required by this unit of competency. They are an integral part of the unit and must be assessed.
Reading skills to: |
Oral communication skills to: |
Problem-solving skills to: |
Technology skills to: |
Minimum Class Numbers
As this is an online virtual class, minimum seats must be filled to proceed with a class. Should you enrol into a class and minimum numbers are not met for that session, Clear to Work reserves the right to cancel or postpone the class. In this case, the learner will be offered a refund or to be moved to another session date.
Learner Rights and Obligations
Click here to learn more about Learner rights and obligations.
CTW Obligations
Click here to learn more about CTW’s obligations.
Suitability Self-Assessment
All CTW accredited courses require learners to complete the suitability self-assessment during the enrolment process. Click here to learn more.
RCG Course
All training and assessment is conducted by Clear to Work Pty Ltd RTO 21907.