Wide range of accredited and non-accredited courses. Includes NSW Licensee training and Advance Licensee training.
NSW FOOD SAFETY SUPERVISOR COURSE - $115 (incl. NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificate)
SITSS00069 – Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
$115 no more to pay. Price includes the NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificate.
If you need a NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificate (also known as the ‘Blue and Orange certificate’ (previously Green & White), you have come to the right place!
The Food Act 2003 (NSW) requires certain food businesses in the NSW hospitality and retail food service sector to have at least one trained Food Safety Supervisor (FSS).
This course includes the required two units of competency plus the Key Focus Areas provided by the NSW Food Authority to be approved as a Food Safety Supervisor in NSW. The Key Focus Areas determined by the NSW Food Authority include:
- Safe egg handling
- Allergen management
- Cleaning and sanitising practices
- Food Act offences
NSW RTO Approval Number 29586

Did you know that you need to complete a NSW Food Safety Supervisor Refresher course every five years? We’ve got you covered!
Clear to Work offers a simple and easy way to refresh your NSW Food Safety Supervisor qualification with the delivery of a NSW Food Safety Supervisor Refresher course.
NSW Food Safety Supervisor – SITXFSA005 + SITXFSA006 (SITSS00069)
(includes the NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificate)
NSW Food Supervisor – SITXFSA005 + SITXFSA006 (SITSS00069)
+ Blue & Orange Certificate
Allergen Management
*Some courses recommended in the above bundles are non-accredited courses; however all courses include a completion certificate.
Course Facts
Cost | $115.00 This price includes the NSW Food Authority fee of $30 for issue of the NSW FSS Certificate. |
Unit code & name | SITXFSA005 Use Hygiene Practices for Food Safety & SITXFSA006 Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices |
Pre-requisite | No previous knowledge or experience required. |
Delivery | This is one course covering both the above units of competency. All content delivered online + online assessment questions. A practical skills demonstration (workplace skills appraisal) is required to be conducted as part of the process. Please read the Assessment tab for more information on all online assessment modules, including the Observer Report requirements. |
Time |
Payment | We offer a range of payment options, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, China UnionPay, Google Pay, Apple Pay, ALipay, Wechat Pay, and Link. |
On successful completion, you receive: | a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment SITSS00069 as well as the NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificate issues by the New South Wales Food Authority. |
Valid | Valid for 5 years. Current valid Green and White certificates issued before 26 October 2020 remain valid for their five-year shelf-life. |
Other helpful details | How Long? From the date and time of purchase, you have 6 weeks to complete your course (this includes the Workplace Tasks). At the end of the 6-week enrolment period your course will expire and will no longer be accessible. Please note there are no refunds if you do not complete your course within this timeframe; however, you can purchase a 14-day extension to extend access to the course which will provide additional time to complete the training. This option is available for 90 days from the original date of expiry. How does it work? Learn on your terms! This course is delivered 100% online and is accessible 24/7. You do not need to complete the course in one sitting. You can exit the course at any stage and the platform will remember where you’re up to. The course is broken down into small, manageable sections designed to improve your learning. At the end of each section is a multiple-choice quiz. Please read the assessment tab for more information. Click Start Now button, enter your details, and proceed to the payment page and pay. After payment, you have immediate access to your My Courses tab. Click on the name of the course to start. No need to wait for an email with login details. |
To complete this course, you will need:
A unique email address: This email address cannot be used by another student as it becomes your unique login username.
Identification: You must have valid photo identification (must not be expired more than 3 months). Acceptable photo identification can include: Passport photo page, driver’s license, Key Pass, Photo Card, and student photo ID card (must include date of birth).
Once you log in to the system, you will be prompted to upload a copy of your photo identification.
Unique Student Identifier (USI): Everyone that completes an accredited course (such as a Food Safety course) is classified as a ‘student’ and needs to create a USI. This is a government requirement, and you will not receive your Statement of Attainment until your USI has been received.
If you have difficulties creating a USI number, please visit or phone Skilling Australia 1300 857 536 who can assist further.
Clear to Work does not issue USI numbers and cannot assist in creating them or obtaining lost USI numbers.
- Computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone with internet access and current internet browser.
- Access to a Smartphone, digital recording device, webcam or video camera to video yourself answering questions.
Please note that you must be 100% visible in your recorded video responses and photo evidence.
Please read the assessment tab for full details of the assessment for this course.
Requirements to enter into the course:
- Learners undertake a Suitability Self-Assessment
- Learners must accept the Terms and Conditions of the course
- Learners under 18 years of age will require parental consent
- Course must be completed in Australia.
Workplace Tasks – There are some things we cannot see you do on your computer. You will need to demonstrate your skills to somebody you work with or someone who works in the food industry. Please read the assessment tab carefully.
Please note that there are no refunds if you are unable to provide a completed the Workplace Tasks modules. Additionally, you will not receive a Statement of Attainment or a NSW Food Safety Supervisor ‘Blue & Orange’ Certificate unless the Workplace Tasks modules are received and marked competent.
You will be assessed using four (4) methods:
- Multiple-choice questions
- Case studies
- Written questions
- Observer Reports
To be deemed competent in this subject, you are required to answer ALL questions in ALL sections correctly.
Multiple-Choice Questions
There are a number of sections in this course. At the end of each section is an assessment. You are required to study each section in sequence and answer every question correctly to move onto the next section.
How it Works:
1. Read the question
2. Select your answer/s from the selection of answers given
3. Click Submit
4. Move onto the next question
5. At the end of the questions, you will receive the result of your assessment.
If you answer all questions correctly, you will progress to the next section.
If you answer any questions incorrectly, you will have the opportunity to resubmit these questions. You will be given feedback on which question you answered incorrectly. You can take the multiple choice assessments as many times as you need.
Case Studies & Written Questions
These courses contain multiple case studies and written questions (simulated work environment). Taken from the whole course, the case studies and projects are designed to put your knowledge into practice in real-life situations.
Workplace Tasks
After you complete the online assessment components, you are required to complete and return the Workplace Tasks modules. The Workplace Tasks form part of your overall assessment.
It is a requirement that you demonstrate the skills you gained from the online course over three separate shifts in a real workplace for SITXFSA005 and over one shift for SITXFSA006. You will be gathering this evidence by submitting photos, videos, and observer reports from your workplace. See the Assessment Conditions under the Course Description tab for what fixtures and equipment is required to meet industry environment requirements.
A real workplace must include an operational commercial food preparation area, bar or kitchen with the fixtures, large and small equipment and workplace documentation.
You are required to demonstrate that you work in accordance with the organisation food safety procedures and legislation. You must show you can:
- Implement procedures for food safety
- Store food safely
- Prepare food safely
- Provide safe single-use items
- Maintain a clean environment
- Dispose of food safely
- Demonstrate your ability to access and interpret food safety procedures
Ensure the person completing your Observer Reports observes you doing everything listed on the report template.
Who can sign off my Observer Reports?
Your Observer Report must be completed by someone who is currently working in the food industry with a minimum of 12 months experience. It can be someone you:
- are currently working with; or
- have volunteered with.
Are you not working in the food industry?
Here are a few options if you are new to the industry to have the practical assessment completed:
- If you have worked in the food industry before, you may be able to volunteer some of your time with your previous establishment.
- If you have a friend or family member employed in the food industry that meets the above requirements, they can also sign off on your practical assessment.
- You can volunteer for a few shifts with a charity, community organisation or other food business. Many places are happy to have volunteers help out in return for completing the observer report. If you’re looking for charities near you, a great place to find out more information is your local council.
Maximum Attempts & Additional Attempts
Students are given three (3) attempts to complete the final assessment component of each module and be marked ‘Competent’. If you do not pass the assessment component at the end of each module on your third attempt, you can purchase an additional three attempts. The cost to purchase an additional three attempts is $12.
Once I successfully complete my course, how long will it take to get my NSW Food Safety Supervisor ‘Blue & Orange’ Certificate?
Upon successful course completion, you will receive a Statement of Attainment which will be immediately available for download from your My Certificates tab.
The NSW Food Safety Supervisor Certificate (Blue and Orange) issued by the New South Wales Food Authority are processed manually each week. Once printed, your NSW FSS Certificate will be sent to you in the mail via Australia Post.
SITXFSA005 – Use Hygiene Practices for Food Safety
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to use personal hygiene practices to prevent contamination of food that might cause food-borne illnesses. It requires the ability to follow predetermined organisational procedures and to identify and control food hazards.
The unit applies to all organisations with permanent or temporary kitchen premises or smaller food preparation or bar areas.
This includes restaurants, cafes, clubs, hotels, and bars; tour operators; attractions; function, event, exhibition and conference catering; educational institutions; aged care facilities; correctional centres; hospitals; defence forces; cafeterias, kiosks, canteens and fast-food outlets; residential catering; in-flight and other transport catering.
It applies to food handlers who directly handle food or food contact surfaces such as cutlery, plates and bowls during the course of their daily work activities. This includes cooks, chefs, caterers, kitchen stewards, kitchen hands, bar, and food and beverage attendants, and sometimes room attendants and front office staff.
Food handlers must comply with the requirements contained within the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
In some States and Territories businesses are required to designate a food safety supervisor who is required to be certified as competent in this unit through a registered training organisation.
Food safety legislative and knowledge requirements may differ across borders. Those developing training to support this unit must consult the relevant state or territory food safety authority to determine any accreditation arrangements for courses, trainers and assessors.
SITXFSA006 – Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to handle food safely during the storage, preparation, display, service and disposal of food. It requires the ability to follow predetermined procedures as outlined in a food safety program.
The unit applies to all organisations with permanent or temporary kitchen premises or smaller food preparation areas. This includes restaurants, cafes, clubs, and hotels; tour operators; attractions; function, event, exhibition and conference catering; educational institutions; aged care facilities; correctional centres; hospitals; defence forces; cafeterias, kiosks, canteens and fast food outlets; residential catering; in-flight and other transport catering.
Safe food handling practices are based on an organisation’s individual food safety program. The program would normally be based on the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) method, but this unit can apply to other food safety systems.
It applies to food handlers who directly handle food during the course of their daily work activities. This includes cooks, chefs, caterers, kitchen hands and food and beverage attendants.
Food handlers must comply with the requirements contained within the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
In some States and Territories businesses are required to designate a food safety supervisor who is required to be certified as competent in this unit through a registered training organisation.
Food safety legislative and knowledge requirements may differ across borders. Those developing training to support this unit must consult the relevant state or territory food safety authority to determine any accreditation arrangements for courses, trainers and assessors.
Foundation skills essential to perform in this unit are listed here.
Foundational skills are the language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to the performance required by this unit of competency. They are an integral part of the unit and must be assessed.
SITXFSA005 – Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety
Reading skills to: |
Oral communication skills to: |
SITXFSA006 – Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices
Reading skills to: |
Writing skills to: |
Numeracy skills to: |
Planning and organising skills to: |
SITXFSA005 – Use Hygiene Practices for Food Safety
Elements describe the essential outcomes. | Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
| 1.1. Follow organisational hygiene procedures. 1.2. Report unsafe practices that breach hygiene procedures promptly. 1.3. Identify food hazards that may affect the health and safety of customers, colleagues and self. 1.4. Remove or minimise the hygiene hazard and report as appropriate for follow-up. |
| 2.1. Report personal health issues likely to cause a hygiene risk. 2.2. Report incidents of food contamination resulting from personal health issues. 2.3. Cease participation in food handling activities where own health issue may cause food contamination. |
| 3.1. Maintain clean clothes, wear required personal protective clothing, and only use organisation-approved bandages and dressings. 3.2. Prevent food contamination from clothing and other items worn. 3.3. Prevent unnecessary direct contact with ready to eat food. 3.4. Ensure hygienic personal contact with food and food contact surfaces. 3.5. Use hygienic cleaning practices that prevent food-borne illnesses. |
| 4.1. Wash hands at appropriate times and follow hand washing procedures consistently. 4.2. Wash hands using appropriate facilities. |
Performance evidence
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
- use hygienic food handling practices in line with organisational procedures, including each of the following on at least three occasions:
- correct hand-washing procedures
- appropriate use of uniform and personal protective equipment
- effective personal health and hygiene practices
- hygienic food service
- use procedures to:
- report unsafe hygiene practices.
Knowledge evidence
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
- basic aspects of commonwealth, state or territory food safety laws, standards and codes as follows:
- meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
- employee and employer responsibility to participate in hygienic practices
- role of local government regulators
- ramifications of failure to observe food safety law and organisational policies and procedures
- health issues likely to cause a hygiene risk relevant to food safety:
- airborne diseases
- food-borne diseases
- infectious diseases
- hygiene actions that must be adhered to in order to avoid food-borne illnesses
- effective hand washing procedures
- when hand-washing is required:
- upon entering a food service area
- before commencing or recommencing work with food
- immediately after:
- handling raw food
- handling money
- smoking, coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose
- eating or drinking
- touching the hair, scalp or any wound
- using the toilet
- using cleaning products or chemicals
- using point of sale terminals
- effective personal health and hygiene practices:
- skin clean and no body odour
- non-excessive make-up
- hair clean and long hair tied back or in hair net
- nails clean and appropriate length
- clean-shaven or beard trimmed
- clean uniform or clothing and enclosed shoes
- piercings removed or covered
- use of appropriate food-grade bandages where required
- for specific industry sector and organisation:
- major hygiene-related causes of food contamination and food-borne illnesses
- workplace hygiene hazards when handling food and food contact surfaces
- contents of organisational hygiene and food safety procedures
- hygienic work practices for individual job roles and responsibilities
- procedures for reporting hygiene risks and unsafe work practices, including personal health issues.
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational food preparation or service environment. This can be:
- an industry workplace; or
- an industry-realistic simulated environment.
Assessment must ensure access to all fixtures and equipment required in the specific industry environment.
This includes:
- food handler gloves
- receptacles for storage and display purposes
- serving utensils
- appropriate changing facilities
- personal protective equipment relevant to job role
- appropriate facilities for handwashing:
- designated hand washing sink
- antiseptic liquid soap
- single use towels
- warm running water
- first aid kit
- ready to eat food items
- current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the commonwealth, state, territory or local government food safety authority
- Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
- current organisational hygiene and food safety policies and procedures.
SITXFSA006 – Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices
Elements describe the essential outcomes. | Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1. Follow food safety program. | 1.1. Access and use relevant information from organisational food safety program. 1.2. Follow policies and procedures in food safety program. 1.3. Control food hazards at critical control points. 1.4. Complete food safety monitoring processes and complete documents as required. 1.5. Identify and report non-conforming practices. 1.6. Take corrective actions within scope of job responsibility for incidents where food hazards are identified. |
2. Store food safely. | 2.1. Select food storage conditions for specific food type. 2.2. Store food in environmental conditions that protect against contamination and maximise freshness, quality, and appearance. 2.3. Store food at controlled temperatures and ensure that frozen items remain frozen during storage. |
3. Prepare food safely. | 3.1. Use cooling and heating processes that support microbiological safety of food. 3.2. Monitor food temperature during preparation using required temperature measuring device to achieve microbiological safety. 3.3. Ensure safety of food prepared, served, and sold to customers. 3.4. Prepare food to meet customer requirements, including actions to address allergen requests by customers. |
4. Provide safe single use items. | 4.1. Store, display, and provide single use items so they are protected from damage and contamination. 4.2. Follow instructions for items intended for single use. |
5. Maintain a clean environment. | 5.1. Clean and sanitise equipment, surfaces, and utensils. 5.2. Use appropriate containers and prevent accumulation of garbage and recyclable matter. 5.3. Identify and report cleaning, sanitising, and maintenance requirements. 5.4. Dispose of, or report damaged or unsafe eating, drinking or food handling utensils. 5.5. Take measures within scope of responsibility to ensure food handling areas are free from animals and pests, and report incidents of animal or pest infestation. |
6. Dispose of food safely. | 6.1. Mark and separate from other foodstuffs any food identified for disposal until disposal is complete. 6.2. Dispose of food promptly to avoid cross-contamination. 6.3 Use appropriate documentation to record disposed food items. |
Performance evidence
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
- use safe food handling practices including the correct methods of controlling food hazards at each of the following critical control points:
- receiving
- storing
- preparing
- processing
- displaying
- serving
- packaging
- transporting
- disposing
- follow procedures to calibrate temperature probe to ensure accuracy
- follow procedures to report incidents of food contamination.
Knowledge evidence
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:
- key features of commonwealth, state or territory and local food safety compliance requirements as they impact workers at an operational level:
- contents of national codes and standards that underpin regulatory requirements
- reasons for food safety programs and what they must contain
- local government food safety regulations and inspection regimes
- meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
- ramifications of failure to observe food safety law and organisational policies and procedures
- hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) or other food safety system principles, procedures and processes as they apply to particular operations and different food types:
- critical control points for the specific food production system and the predetermined methods of control, especially time and temperature controls used in the receiving, storing, preparing, processing, displaying, serving, packaging, transporting and disposing of food
- main types of safety hazards and contamination
- conditions for development of microbiological contamination
- cross contamination of food allergens
- environmental conditions and temperature controls, for storage
- temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule
- temperature control for cooling and storing of processed food
- contents of organisational food safety program, including procedures, associated requirements, and monitoring documents
- food safety monitoring techniques:
- bacterial swabs and counts
- checking and recording that food is stored in appropriate timeframes
- chemical tests
- monitoring and recording food temperatures using a temperature measuring device accurate to plus or minus one degree Celsius
- monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment
- visually examining food for quality
- methods to ensure the safety of food served and sold to customers:
- packaging control:
- using packaging materials suited to foods
- monitoring of packaging damage
- protective barriers
- temperature control
- supervision of food displays
- utensil control
- packaging control:
- providing separate serving utensils for each dish
- safe food handling practices for the following different food types:
- dairy
- dry goods
- eggs including raw egg foods
- frozen goods
- fruit and vegetables
- meat and poultry
- fin-fish and shellfish
- operating procedures for temperature probe:
- calibration
- correct use
- cleaning methods
- identifying faults
- choice and application of cleaning, sanitising and pest control equipment and materials following manufacturers advice
- cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements relevant to food preparation and storage:
- cleaning:
- dirt
- food waste
- grease
- pest waste removal
- sanitising:
- eating and drinking utensils
- food contact surfaces
- maintenance:
- minor faults
- cleaning:
- high risk customer groups:
- children or babies
- pregnant women
- aged persons
- people with immune deficiencies
- people with allergies
- people with medical conditions.
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational food preparation area. This can be:
- an industry workplace; or
- an industry-realistic simulated environment.
Assessment must ensure access to all fixtures and equipment required in the specific industry environment.
This includes:
- commercial grade work bench
- refrigeration unit
- sink
- storage facilities
- food handler gloves
- serving utensils
- temperature monitoring device
- cleaning materials and equipment
- appropriate facilities for handwashing:
- designated hand washing sink
- antiseptic liquid soap
- single use towels
- warm running water
- food ingredients and ready to eat food items
- current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the national, state, territory or local government food safety authority
- Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code
- current organisational food safety programs, policies and procedures used for managing food safety
Learner rights and Obligations
Click here to learn more about Learner rights and obligations.
CTW Obligations
Click here to learn more about CTW’s obligations.
Suitability Self-Assessment
All CTW accredited courses require learners to complete the suitability self-assessment during the enrolment process. Click here to learn more.
Same Day Marking
In a hurry?
Upgrades to same day marking are available for this course! You can select this option either upon checkout or at any time during your enrolment process. This upgrade will apply to all of your assessment submissions for this course.
Same day marking means if you submit your final assessment by 2pm AEST/3pm AEDT Monday to Friday, your assessment will be marked that same business day. If you submit your assessment after 2pm AEST/3pm AEDT that business day, it will be prioritised in the early AM of the next business day.
If you upgrade to same day marking on a day that is not a business day (such as a weekend or on a public holiday), you will be prioritised in the early AM of the next business day.
All training and assessment is conducted by Clear to Work Pty Ltd RTO 21907.
Licensee training is a requirement for most licensees, approved managers and club secretaries. In licensed venues, senior roles have greater responsibilities and obligations under the NSW liquor laws.
Advanced Licensee training is an additional course for people who operate a business in a higher risk environment – for example, businesses that trade regularly after midnight.