As the old saying goes – technology is great… when it works! Sometimes, things just don’t work the way they should. While we are confident that our system experts have made a reliable platform, hiccups can happen from time-to-time. Often, hiccups occur because of outdated web browsers, browser settings, and the device being used to access our platforms. If something doesn’t look right, try these quick fixes and we promise you’ll be up and running in no time! If these do not seem to resolve the issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to our friendly support team by emailing:
Online Training:
Police Checks:
We’re here to help!
The minimum browser requirements for our platforms are as follows:
Desktop Web Browsers
Firefox |
Latest version plus one previous stable version |
Safari |
Latest version plus one previous stable version |
11.0 or later |
Google Chrome |
Latest version plus one previous stable version |
Microsoft Edge |
Latest Edge release plus one previous major version |
Internet Explorer |
Not Recommended Not sure if you’ve heard this, but Internet Explorer is no longer cool. Internet Explorer is no longer being supported by CTW starting from June 15, 2022, after which support for this browser ended. To learn more, see this Internet Explorer 11 page from Microsoft. |
Other |
Cookies Enabled |
Mobile Web Browser
- Android 5 and newer – Google Chrome (latest stable version)
- iOS 13 and newer – Google Chrome (latest stable version), Safari (latest stable version)
Browser Configuration
Any supported browser that you choose to use must meet the following requirements:
- JavaScript is enabled
- Cookies are enabled
Some modern browser versions are now disabling third-party cookies by default. Like many other web services, CTW relies on these cookies to authenticate users when its offerings are embedded in another webpage. You may need to enable them in your browser for access.
Disabling third party cookies may cause some issues while using CTW platforms.
This issue is known to affect the following browsers:
- Firefox 22 and later
- Safari
To Fix
If you are experiencing issues submitting your assessment or recording in our eLearning platform, taking your selfie or uploading files in our Police Check platform after updating your browser, the solution may be to disable blocking of third-party cookies. Follow the steps below to ensure your cookies are enabled.
Safari for OS X – Disable Blocking of Third-Party Cookies
Safari has moved away from their ‘Block Cookies’ section. To make it work with the current version of Safari, you must have both ‘Prevent cross-site tracking’ and ‘Block all cookies’ checkboxes unchecked.
Firefox for OS X – Disable Blocking of Third-Party Cookies
- Open the Firefox menu and select Preferences
- Select Privacy
- Set the value of the ‘Firefox will’ setting to: Use custom settings for history
- Additional settings are displayed. Check Accept third-party cookies
- Close the Preferences window
- Refresh your URL you might be on at that moment
Firefox for Windows – Disable Blocking of Third-Party Cookies
- Open the Firefox menu and select Options
- Select Privacy
- Set the value of the ‘Firefox will’ setting to: Use custom settings for history
- Additional settings are displayed. Check Accept third-party cookies
- Close the Preferences window and refresh your browser
Enabling JavaScript in your browser
Edge (Windows 10)
JavaScript is supported in the Microsoft Edge web browser. However, it might have been disabled in your browser by an administrative setting. If you encounter a JavaScript error in Edge:
- Click the Security tab > Custom Level
- In the Scripting section, click Enable for Active Scripting
- In the dialog box that displays, click Yes
Mozilla Firefox
- If you’re running Windows OS, in the Firefox window, click Tools > Options
Tip: If you’re running Mac OS, click the Firefox drop-down list > Preferences
- On the Content tab, click the Enable JavaScript check box
- If you’re running Windows OS, click Tools > Preferences
Tip: If you’re running Mac OS, from the Safari menu, click >Preferences
- Click Preferences > Security tab
- Click the Enable JavaScript check box
- Click Close and refresh the browser
Google Chrome
- Open Chrome on your computer
- Click Settings (the three vertical dots)
- Click Security and Privacy
- Click Site settings
- Click JavaScript
- Select Sites can use JavaScript
Your browser has a folder in which certain items that have been downloaded are stored for future use. These are called cookies and cache. These saved items might affect the platform’s performance.
If you are running into issues with our platform, clearing them is really important!
- On your computer, open Chrome
- At the top right of Chrome, click the three vertical dots
- In the menu click ‘More Tools’ and then select ‘Clear Browsing Data’
- Select ‘All time’ from the time range drop-down menu
- Next to ‘Browsing history’, ‘Cookies and other site data’ and ‘Cached images and files’ check the boxes
- Click Clear data
Please note: The steps above reflect using Chrome 90.0.4430.72. The steps may vary slightly depending on what version of Chrome you have installed.
- On your computer, open Firefox
- At the top right of Firefox, click the library icon
- In the menu click ‘History’ and then select ‘Clear Recent History’
- Choose ‘Everything’ on the drop-down menu
- Ensure all boxes under ‘History’ and ‘Data’ are checked
- Click ‘OK’
Please note: The steps above reflect using Firefox 87.0. The steps may vary slightly depending on what version of Firefox you have installed.
- Select ‘Settings and more > Settings (little cog symbol)> Privacy, search, and services (little padlock symbol).
- Under Clear browsing data > Clear browsing data now, select Choose what to clear
- Under Time range, choose a time range from the drop-down menu
- Choose the types of browsing data you want to clear (for example, you may want to remove browsing history and cookies but keep passwords and form fill data)
- Select ‘Clear now’
- On your computer, open Safari.
- At the top left of your screen, click Safari.
- In the menu, choose ‘Clear History’
- Choose ‘all history’ on the drop-down menu
- Click ‘Clear History’
Please note: The steps above reflect using Safari 14.0.3. The steps may vary slightly depending on what version of Safari you have installed.
We’ve all got our favourite browser, but sometimes our favourite browser doesn’t always perform the best we need it to with some websites and platforms. The best thing to do when a webpage isn’t playing ball is to hop on over to another browser.
If you’re using a mobile device, try accessing the platform using a computer
Smartphones are smart… but computers are smarter. A great first step when things aren’t going right is to try again on a computer.
As we know, technology is constantly changing and updating. Our personal computers are no different. Check your computer to see if updates are pending. If there are, push these updates and restart your computer.
Sometimes it helps to log out of the platform, close the browser that you’re using, reopen the browser and log back into the platform. Sometimes this gives the platform the little poke it needs to behave!
If you’ve worked through the troubleshooting recommendations above and the platform is still misbehaving, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team by emailing:
Online Training:
Police Checks: