Wide range of accredited and non-accredited courses. Includes NSW Licensee training and Advance Licensee training.

BAR & GAMING - $29

QLD RSA Online – SITHFAB021 + QLD RSG Online – SITHGAM022 – $29 for both courses!

Get both your Queensland RSA and your QLD RSG for just $29!

SITHFAB021 – Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol

If you want to work and serve alcohol in a licenced venue in Queensland, you MUST have a valid Queensland RSA certificate. Our RSA Queensland course is delivered completely online. You will learn the legal requirements for the sale or service of alcohol, assess alcohol affected customers, and how to refuse alcohol to intoxicated customers.

SITHGAM022 – Provide Responsible Service of Gambling (OLGR Approved)

If you want to carry out gaming duties in a licensed venue in Queensland, you must have completed Provide Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) training. This course will give you an RSG Statement of Attainment (also referred to as RSG certificate) and is 100% online.

*It is strongly recommended that any person taking the RSG course also takes the Customer Liaison Officer online course. Click here to learn more.