Want to work in same day delivery of alcohol in NSW? The demand for same day delivery drivers is increasing and is a great option that can provide flexibility!
Becoming a qualified same day delivery driver is a breeze!
Responsible Supply of Alcohol Training (RSAT) is mandatory for anyone involved in the same day alcohol delivery to the public in NSW. This applies to same day alcohol delivery providers, delivery agents, and delivery drivers making alcohol deliveries.
Same day delivery providers include:
- licensed takeaway liquor providers that offer online/phone sales and deliveries in NSW
- food delivery providers that deliver alcohol in addition to, or as a part of food deliveries
- individuals offering same day delivery of alcohol in NSW, and
- any other businesses that offer same day alcohol delivery to the public.
RSAT is the foundation that qualifies you to make same day deliveries in NSW in accordance with the law. There are no exemptions to the requirement to complete RSAT. Same day delivery providers, agents, or drivers with a current NSW RSA competency must be aware of and fulfil their obligations covered in this RSAT course.
Learn more about the RSAT directly from Liquor & Gaming NSW.