Launch of NSW Licensee Training Refresher Online Course ​

Launch of NSW Licensee Training Refresher Online Course ​

Great news! If you already have a current Licensee Training (LT) competency, there’s no need to complete the entire LT course again!  

Liquor & Gaming NSW has developed a new Licensee Refresher online course covering the requirements for licensees, approved managers, and club secretaries to renew their Licensee, Advanced Licensee, and RSA endorsements in the one course, for one fee (YAY).  

Renewal of Licensee endorsements is required every five (5) years, therefore, 2024 introduces the first round of Licensee renewals.  

The Licensee Refresher online course is now live and covers a range of content designed to educate, refresh, and assess on key compliance areas and new industry developments.   

Licensee and Advanced Licensee Training – Liquor & Gaming NSW